Step 1: Get yourself some Christmas-edition, peppermint-flavored Peeps. You can’t see it here, but instead of sugar on the outside, they have what tastes like very finely crushed-up candy-canes. I know there are two schools of thought on the whole "Peep" issue, but as far as I’m concerned, if you don’t like them, you are un-American.Step 2: Make yourself a really, really giant cup of cocoa. Johnny insists that this isn’t, in fact, cocoa. He says it’s hot chocolate. I don’t know what the difference is. He is un-American.
It’s so good, tomorrow I might just have to go buy up all the Christmas peppermint-flavored Peeps that I can find, so I can have Peeps-’n’-cocoa all year long.
Johnny sez I better get more cocoa, too. I sez there’s always cocoa, but pep-peeps are only here for a limited time. Check with your local retailer and buy your supplies now!
AND just since it's been days since you've made a poop joke...
Do you have to poop on the potty before you can have one? I've never seen the stars, all they have at my grocery store is snowmen and trees. Abby wanted trees this week. Bad idea. Now there's little green sugar mouthprints all over the couch.
Oh, man. I miss Christmas being in the WINTERtime :(
God sent you to me for a reason. Until now, I didnt know exactly what it was. Now I know that it was so you could tell me about Peppermint Peeps. For before this, I had no idea.
Holden is going to want to kiss you before the night is over!!
this reminds me of the non-fat whip cream and sugar-free hot cocoa bender that I went on last winter....mmmm
Well just ship me off to Guantanamo Bay since I'm not crazy about peeps in general (though it's fun to watch them blow up in the microwave, a la "honey I blew up the Peeps") and I really don't like mint except in mojitos and tea when my tummy's yucky, plus I think that mint is about the most foul thing that you can do to chocolate in any form.
But I think a regular ordinary mint-free cup of hot cocoa would be a nice treat right now...
Well jeez, Bah Humbug to you, too, Leslie!
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