It's not about the house.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ahem, and Dawn

Okay, if you want the full experience you have to follow this link first (I don't care if you're at work, just do it!):
Knock Three Times by Tony Orlando.
Then, when the music's playing, come back here...

Hey pipes, what ya doin' down there?

All cacophone every night while I sleep right above you?

I can hear your music playin'
I can feel your hammer swayin'

The floor below me is new, you can blow me

I hate you.

Oh, my bleaders
Fifteen times you commented cuz you love me
Bangs on the pipe – the solutions you know
Oh, my bleaders
(Knock, knock, knock) Means I ought to tip it upways
If that doesn’t work (clink, clink) in the crawlspace I go

If you look in my window tonight

Notice the rope with the noose that's around my neck part
I’ve got a pipe-cleaner for you

Oh how badly I abhor you

I wish I were dreaming, for you'll break my steam-hammered heart

Oh, my bleaders
Fifteen times you commented cuz you love me
Bangs on the pipe – the solutions you know
Oh, my bleaders
(Bang, crash, slam) I tipped the f'ing thing upways
That didn't work (clink, stink) so in the crawlspace I go

It will be the junkyard for you
In my exhaustion I abhor you
If only I could dream – oh my head, that steam-hammered fart!

Oh, my bleaders
Fifteen times you commented cuz you love me
Bangs on the pipe – the solutions you know
Oh, my bleaders
(Bang, crash, slam) I tipped the f'ing thing upways
That didn't work (clink, stink) so...

In the craaaaawlspaaaaace I goooooo!

Later: The Land of Misfit Toys!


jen said...

You. Are one goofy broad!

Leslie said...

Well I wasn't going to download the rhapsody music player so V and I just hummed it to ourselves as we read.

You crack me up.